
Your node and machine needed to be configured to make ceremonycliend node run correctly.

Configure your Node Network Firewall Run:

sudo ufw enable

Type y and press enter or return on keyboard Run:

sudo ufw allow 22
sudo ufw allow 8336
sudo ufw allow 443
sudo ufw status

Response for the status command should be:

> To            Action            From
> --            ------            -----
> 22            ALLOW             Anywhere
> 8336          ALLOW             Anywhere
> 443           ALLOW             Anywhere
> 22 (v6)       ALLOW             Anywhere (v6)
> 8336 (v6)     ALLOW             Anywhere (v6)
> 443 (v6)      ALLOW             Anywhere (v6)

Configure your config.yml

1. Enable gRPC to enable gRPC Function Calls for your Node

Note: This interface, while read-only, is unauthenticated and not rate-limited. It is recommended that you only enable them if you are properly controlling access via firewall or only query via localhost (i.e. if port 8337 is used for gRPC calls, best not to allow it on your firewall configuration later and only trigger gRPC calls on localhost). Go to ceremonyclient/node folder.

cd ~/ceremonyclient/node


sudo nano .config/config.yml

At the end of file, there is a field listenGrpcMultiaddr: “”, replace it with

listenGrpcMultiaddr: "/ip4/"
listenRESTMultiaddr: "/ip4/"

2. Enable Stats Collection by Opt-In

Go to ceremonyclient/node folder.

cd ~/ceremonyclient/node


sudo nano .config/config.yml

On the line, right about the middle part of file, there is a field engine, append a sub-field called statsMultiaddr

  statsMultiaddr: "/dns/stats.quilibrium.com/tcp/443"

Last updated

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